Trump Must Win – Henry Emerson

Image: Former president Donald Trump at a McDonalds in East Palestine, Ohio on February 22, 2023.

Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken. 

-Donald Trump, Former President of the United States

I think Donald Trump is an idiot. 

He invited rapper Lil Pump to a rally and called him “Little Pimp”, he was given a flashcard to remind himself to tell school shooting victims “I hear you”, he replied “positively toward the negative” when asked if he had tested positive for COVID-19, he took photos of himself signing blank pieces of paper with a marker in an attempt to show he was working, he tossed rolls of paper towel into a crowd of hurricane victims like he was giving away t-shirts at a basketball game, he tweeted “cofveve” at midnight, he spelled Wales as Whales, he saluted a North Korean soldier, he recounted a meeting with the president of the Virgin Islands (which was himself at the time) and he showed up seventeen minutes late to a meeting on women’s empowerment. 

And yet his heart is good – and so is his politics. 

Donald Trump supports peace.

In August of 2017, tragedy struck Charlottesville, Virginia when a crowd of far-left counterprotesters were run through by a 2010 Dodge Challenger manned by James Alex Fields. The result was one person dead and over thirty people injured.

Trump’s response? There were “some very fine people on both sides”. 

Seriously? Fine people on both sides? What is Trump, some kind of an Idiot?

Now, you’re starting to get it! 

He is an idiot with a good heart. 

You see, the far-left counterprotesters, though undeserving of their fate, were not completely innocent. 

Sure, they were there to protest white supremacy, but they were also there to support the removal of a statue depicting the great General Robert E. Lee. So, while a majority of the far-right protesters took things, well, too far, others were simply trying to fight for the preservation of American history. 

So, what Trump might have been trying to suggest with his controversial comment, was that the Charlottesville tragedy should not have been an excuse to widen America’s already large political gap; it should have been a wake up call for both Democrats and Republicans to begin closing it. 

Unfortunately, as sometimes happens with Trump, his statement was construed to contribute to the divide.  

Donald Trump also happens to support America first.

Trump began bringing jobs back to America the first day he set foot in office. 

He started by freezing all federal hiring outside of the military, then he encouraged banks to lend money to Americans by updating the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, not to mention, he lowered corporate tax rates by 18%.

The result? Trump had been partially responsible for the creation of over 6.5 million American jobs by the start of the 2020 pandemic.

Later on, Trump was able to replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

As part of this new agreement, Trump enticed automobile manufacturers to return to North America by offering them savings on Tariffs, he forced fairer incomes for Mexican laborers and made it easier for them to unionize (also making it harder for companies to outsource) and he granted US farmers better access to Canadian markets.  

Even Vox praised the deal, stating “it was good enough to gain bipartisan support in Congress”.

I guess Donald Trump’s not such a bad unifier after all. 

Finally, Donald Trump Believes in Democracy.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton claimed the election was stolen from her. Investigations were conducted, Obama issued an angry warning to Putin, Russian intelligence officers were charged and “troll farms” were discovered on social media. 

In the end, the FBI stated there was not enough evidence “members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”

Maybe Shakespeare summarized it best back in 1623; “much ado about nothing”. 

In 2020, Donald Trump claimed the election was stolen from him. A much more covert investigation was conducted by the FBI in Maricopa county, the liberal media became outraged and the events of the January 6 Capitol riot occurred.

In the end, Joe Biden was inaugurated anyways and, somehow, has survived as president up until present day. 

In addition to the futile efforts of both Clinton and Trump to overturn the results of a national election, the common thread is this: America needs improved election security and interference measures to shut these politicians up when they lose. 

Donald Trump will attempt to make this happen.

In his 2024 agenda, Trump has promised to “reform our election laws to verify the identity and eligibility of all voters to ensure faith and confidence in all future elections”. Trump plans to do this by banning drop boxes, ballot harvesting, unconstitutional changes to election procedures and private funding for local elections offices.

Oh yes, Trump’s heart is good.

But his road back to the White House is not a freeway; Trump still faces many enemies. 

Did Ezekiel 25:17 not say “The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men”?

Chief among them is-

Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis is a man of great excellence.

He was the captain of the baseball team at Yale, he took a brief stint as a history teacher, he attended Harvard law, he served in the navy, he made it to the house of representatives, he made it to the Governor of Florida, he wrote a book in 2011, he wrote another book in 2023 and his wife looks … well, I think you get the point.

His politics, however, are a different story.

Sometimes, like him, they are excellent.

In September of 2022, Ron DeSantis signed bill HB 7067 which, through the Family Empowerment Scholarship, pledged to provide funding to low-income families wanting to send their children to private schools; a great victory for proponents of school choice in the state of Florida. 

And yet, other times, DeSantis is far too aggressive. 

In June of last year, he utilized $12 million of Florida state money to privately fly a tiny group of 48 asylum seekers in Texas over to Massachusetts. 

This little political stunt, unbeknownst to the governor of Texas, potentially illegal and of more cost to Floridians than the likely net worth of all 48 migrants combined, drew the immediate ire of Democrats.

And who would have expected any less? 

More recently, DeSantis has threatened to eliminate Advanced Placement classes in schools across Florida. So much for “school choice”; by eliminating AP programs, children in Florida will have a much smaller pool of classes to choose from. 

With political decisions like these, how in the world can Ron DeSantis expect to be able to encourage all American citizens regardless of race, class and political party to vote for him? 

He can’t.

You see, DeSantis is the perfect straight-laced Republican politician but that’s all he is – Republican; he holds no appeal for the wider population of the country. 

It is for this reason precisely that both establishment Republicans (“Republican in name only” as Trump might call them) and the Democrat left will try to prop DeSantis up over Trump in the primaries. 

Their method? Funding. 

The Koch brothers, through their massive donor network, may be preparing to fund DeSantis and other candidates opposing Trump. A memorandum penned by the chief executive of the Koch funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) organization states “the best thing for the country would be to have a president in 2025 who represents a new chapter. The American people have shown that they’re ready to move on, and so AFP will help them do that” and brags “when we engaged in the primary, our candidate was much more likely to win the general, than when we didn’t”.

Talk about a bunch of Koch-suckers.

Meanwhile, democrat billionaire George Soros has praised DeSantis as “shrewd, ruthless and ambitious” and hopes “Trump and Gov. DeSantis of Florida will slug it out for the Republican nomination” forcing an eventual “Democratic landslide”. 

I wonder if he calls this his Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Regardless of what side you’re on, it is clear the rich would prefer Ron DeSantis in power over Donald Trump.

And as the old saying goes “An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought”. 

Once DeSantis is in office, will he be forced to put the needs of his donors first, even if it means temporarily placing the needs of the rest of his country second? Will he have been bought and paid for?

It certainly seems that way and yet he remains the greatest threat to Trump’s bid for the 2024 presidency. 

Because everyone knows that in a rematch between Trump and Biden, the winner would never be-

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s short reign as President of the United States has been nothing short of a disaster.

The proof? Look no further than the people he trusts most.  

Recently, I’ve started to believe that all women have some subconscious desire to stay in the kitchen. 


Even the first female vice president seems to enjoy cooking up word salads!

During the COVID-19 pandemic when asked if it was time for the Biden administration to change strategies, Kamala Harris replied “It’s time for us to do what we have been doing, and that time is every day”. 

Maybe she smoked more weed in college than she originally let on?

Later, when speaking on the Biden administration’s support for community banks, Harris succinctly explained “We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community.” 

At least we know she’s a Dan Harmon fan.

I think Buck Sexton summed up the current Vice President best when he tweeted “She reminds one of the student in college who never did the reading, but insisted on talking a lot about it in class anyway, and always thought he/she was brilliantly fooling everyone. But nobody was fooled.”

Who would have guessed that Joe Biden’s first ever female second-in-command would have turned out less like Eve and more like the Snake?

And then there’s Biden’s transportation secretary.

On February 3rd, 2023, a 38-car train derailed in East Palestine, Ohio leaving behind a dense plume of black smoke. Five of these 38 cars happened to be carrying hundreds of thousands of gallons of vinyl chloride, a compound that increases the risk of cancer and is highly flammable. Not surprisingly, citizens started reporting rashes and nausea within half an hour of the crash. 

For ten long days, Biden’s transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg said nothing on the matter. 

When he finally touched ground at East Palestine just less than three weeks after the initial incident, he apologized by saying he “could have spoken sooner about how strongly I felt about this incident, and that’s a lesson learned for me”. 

I wonder if that excuse will suffice when those rashes turn into liver cancer?

Either way, one thing’s for certain. Buttigieg will never be allowed to claim that he was first to East Palestine, he will never be allowed to claim that he was the first man on the ground; someone arrived a day before him. 

And he bought everyone McDonalds.

Former president Donald Trump at a McDonalds in East Palestine, Ohio. February 22, 2023.

In addition, Trump promised bottled water and thousands of gallons of cleaning supplies. 

Isn’t that interesting? 

The former President of this country is doing more to help its citizens than the current one is. Now, if that’s not reason for re-election, I don’t know what is. 

But I can already begin to hear your objection. “You’ve gone on all about Joe Biden’s cabinet picks but you haven’t said a word about the man himself.”

Well, that’s because I don’t need to.

If you want evidence that Joe Biden is deteriorating, all you have to do is turn on the news and watch him speak. 

He once asked an audience “Where’s Doug? The congressman?” referring, of course, to Don Beyer, he pronounced “Rishi Sunak” as “Rashi Sanook”, he attempted a handshake with thin air, he claimed a black man invented the lightbulb, he told a kid to go steal a pumpkin, he stated he had travelled 17,000 miles alongside Xi Jinping (that’s a lot of time alone together), during a speech he forgot that Jackie Wolarski had died and wondered why she wasn’t in the audience, he thought “made in America” was two words and, just a few days ago, he incorrectly referred to Chuck Schumer as the Senate minority leader (he is now the majority leader).

One thing’s for certain: if Donald Trump is dumb, Joe Biden’s a pretty good candidate for dumber.

And one can’t help but wonder if the image of an 80-year-old, silver-haired president staring at his teleprompter with squinting, blank eyes shows a chink in America’s ever strong armor. 

It certainly feels like Xi Jinping, Vladmir Putin and the Taliban think so. 

How Trump wins

So, I think you get the point – Trump should win in 2024.

The question remaining is can he? Is a Trump victory even possible?

Well, a lot of indicators seem to point to yes. 

In February 2023, the monthly Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll revealed that only a third of Americans think the economy is moving in the right direction, only 40% think the economy is strong, 57% think Biden’s health could be deteriorating and, ultimately, 46% would select Donald Trump over Biden at 41%. 

Another poll from around the same time frame, indicated something similar stating only 12% of Democrats would choose Joe Biden as leader of the party while 37% still don’t know. 

Even Mitt Romney believes Trump will win the primaries saying, “I look at the polls, and the polls show that among the names being floated as potential contenders in 2024, if you put President Trump in there among Republicans, he wins in a landslide.” and adding “I don’t know if he’ll run in 2024 or not, but if he does, I’m pretty sure he will win the nomination”.

Remember, this is coming from a guy who hates Donald Trump and who voted to impeach him twice.

So the opportunity for Trump to win is certainly there. But how can he take advantage?

For me it boils down to two important things.

The first is social media. 

During the 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump tweeted around 8,000 times. During his presidency, Trump tweeted over 25,000 times. Throughout the last two years, Trump has tweeted 0 times. 

On Instagram, a similar phenomenon can be observed; during Trump’s campaigns, he heavily utilized the app but, since 2021, he has remained inactive. 

To me, it seems clear that, if Donald Trump wants to win again in 2024, he needs to branch out beyond the confines of Truth Social and return back to the big tech social media platforms that put him in office in the first place; whether he likes it or not. 

The Second is his choice of Vice President.

For all the shortcomings of Kamala Harris, she has two redeeming factors in the eyes of most liberals: she is black and she is a woman.

If Donald Trump wants to gain favor with those outside of his own political party, he cannot select another Mike Pence as Vice President; he has to choose someone from a minority group. 

This could be a white woman like Nikki Haley, a black man like … dare I say it? Kanye West? or, even better, a black woman (Candace Owens would certainly be interesting). 

Whoever it is, however, him/her/they or whatever else their pronouns are cannot be a straight white male. 

But for all my advice regarding Trump’s campaign strategy, the truth is this: the election is out of my control, it’s out of Trump’s control and it’s even beyond the grasp of Biden’s bony fingers; it’s in the hands of the people. 

Or at least that’s what we’d like to think. 

In July of 2022, Russian television host Olga Skabeyeva, apparently speaking on behalf of her nation, stated “we will have to think whether to reinstall him [Trump] again as the American president. We haven’t decided yet”. 

So maybe we don’t have a choice after all; maybe we haven’t had a choice this entire time; maybe Trump will be president in 2024 whether we like it or not. 

Maybe then, the question isn’t should Trump win again or will Trump win again, the question is when will Trump win again? Because if Donald Trump doesn’t win this time around, I’m willing to bet he’d take another shot at it if he’s still kicking around in 2028.

In fact, if one thinks about it, it seems that Trump must win sooner rather than later.

And, if he does, if he ends up winning again after a surprise victory in 2016, a double impeachment, thousands of critical articles and an election (allegedly) stolen from him, will he not be remembered as one of the greatest underdogs in American History? Will he not go down as one of the greatest Presidents?  

Only time will tell, but Ezekiel 25:17 ends like this “Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.”

I hope President Trump gets his sweet revenge.